In My Igloo

By: Gabriela Yareliz

I remember making the snow igloos at recess during those Michigan freezes. I would strap on my snowpants, which I did not like, and after we came in from recess, they would be hanging on the hook in line with everyone else’s. The drip-drip of the snow melting off of them keeping rhythm.

Today reminded me of those days. I went outside and had the cold breeze sweep over me, as snowflakes landed in my hair. When the cold wind hits your face, and you feel that rush of energy– one of the small joys of winter. I saw the fluffy fluries that were falling. Of course, fluffy snow was no good for snow forts. It needed to be that snow that can compact and stick.

Later, I was taping boxes together at the post office and watching the snow globe outside. I spotted my loud neighbor walking past. He was wandering around with his long Matrix coat and alien sunglasses– his coat flowing open into the wind revealing his crop top sweater (because that will keep him warm). He looked like he thought he was in a hair commercial– but he is bald. I rolled my eyes and kept taping.

The year, so far, has been busy and productive. More emails than snow have fallen. People are slipping on ice and deadlines.

Distress. People are in distress, and apparently distressed furniture and fixtures are making a comeback, according to Country Living. I still don’t understand where the line is for cute-distressed versus ugly-throw-it-out distressed. What is a rustic door versus a door you should throw out and axe? And speaking of the differences in distress– am I cute-distressed? Are we IT girl wearing AloYoga or Ben Affleck? Probably, Ben Affleck.

To think I had a crush on this man in 2001, and now, he is a meme.

And because I am not distressed enough, I went down this whole rabbit hole the other day regarding the fourteenth amendment and treason (section three). Many folks are talking about it in regards to our former president (Mr. 45), and I don’t think it applies here under the circumstances, but you know, everyone is a temperamental child, these days. We must find a way to get what we want. (Why, America?) I will say though, that section 3 applies to folks in office, holding “any office” (and this includes civil).

The language got me thinking– there are many professions where you take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Mine is one of them. It got me thinking of so many people holding office (including judicial office) who are a disgrace and truly undermine our constitution, and I don’t mean it is subject to interpretation, but they literally belong to groups that say they want to destroy this country and everything it stands for. They don’t even try to hide it. People are quite bold in their stupidity, these days. It makes me wonder where the accountability is and why these people are permitted to stay in office and do the harm they do. It got me thinking… I am always thinking.

The snow continues to fall with the sun, as I continue to debate what qualifies as ‘cute-distressed’ and my neighbor, who thinks he is Elle Macpherson and has invisible hair flowing in the wind, is back. Stillness fills the air as I wrap myself in my blanket and create my own igloo.

Published by Gabriela Yareliz

Gabriela is a writer, editor and attorney. She loves the art of storytelling, and she is based in NYC.

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