June 2023 Favorites

Happy end of June! I read some great books this month. I just started Teach Yourself to Live by C.G.L. Du Cann. One I took a particular liking to was Four Thousand Weeks–Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman. It made me reflect a lot on how I perceive time. The truth is, we allContinue reading “June 2023 Favorites”

Cultural Relativism and the Emasculation of Truth: Ravi Zacharias

By: Gabriela Yareliz AGE OF REASON I have been listening to this series by Ravi Zarcharias, Oxford University Scholar and Professor, called Cultural Relativism and the Emasculation of Truth. He starts off mentioning so many different news headlines, like the ones of children killing others, and young people mindlessly killing peers and even family membersContinue reading “Cultural Relativism and the Emasculation of Truth: Ravi Zacharias”