Mind Games

By: Gabriela Yareliz Sometimes, we need to let go of all that is bad to be able to embrace the good to come. Sometimes, we don’t realize that choices are in our hands. It’s about deciding what you want and making choices that bring you that much closer. It’s about deciding you want something moreContinue reading “Mind Games”

A New Beginning

Photo by: Gabriela Yareliz By: Gabriela Yareliz There are some who say they hate writing. Writing is a discipline. Writing can be messy, and you can end up with ink silhouetting what looks like a blue or black bruise on the side of your hand. Writing takes thought. Writing can take you to unexpected places.Continue reading “A New Beginning”

Nuestro pequeño mundo de arena y sal

XXVI Islas Caminar por la arena cuando apenas está hollada es como descubrir el mundo por primera vez: todo es nuevo y puro y frágil como la luz que nos cubre y rendidos ante ella no dejamos de ser sino islas de un archipiélago: cada una con su identidad pero cada una perdida en laContinue reading “Nuestro pequeño mundo de arena y sal”

Love’s Telepathy, Thrice

By: Gabriela Yareliz Love is a lot of things. We can go down a list that resembles 1 Corinthians 13 or a wedding vow. Love is powerful, sacrificial and one of the greatest, if not the greatest, force in the world. And while it’s all those things and more, it’s interesting to think of howContinue reading “Love’s Telepathy, Thrice”