February 2022 Favorites

By: Gabriela Yareliz It has been a rollercoaster of a month. It was warm on some days and bitterly cold on others. We did our Adele series. There is war. Apparently, Putin eliminated the pandemic by invading Ukraine (thanks, Putin?). Inflation was through the roof even prior to the Ukraine-Russia conflict (thanks, Biden?). There isContinue reading “February 2022 Favorites”

The Perfect Day Trip: Lambertville, NJ

By: Gabriela Yareliz I am a sucker for magazines. Always have been; always will be. These days, when I read a Southern Living or Country Living (clearly, if “Living” is part of the name, there is a great likelihood I will subscribe), I pass it along to my fiancé, so he can enjoy the coolContinue reading “The Perfect Day Trip: Lambertville, NJ”

We Are All Carrie Bradshaw

By: Gabriela Yareliz I am sitting on the couch surrounded by beautiful clothes, and I’m thinking… hear me out… when did we decide that the pandemic was a good excuse to not wear clothes? Are we really that desperate to save on laundry? We in NYC have been living in our yoga pants for yearsContinue reading “We Are All Carrie Bradshaw”

RIP Eateries

By: Gabriela Yareliz I mean, we all knew it was bad, but yesterday, I saw with my own eyes a Greenwich Village that was vacant and closed down. Such a depressing sight to see. Many eateries that marked special moments, whether it was where I ate with my mom when I first moved here forContinue reading “RIP Eateries”

An Uncomfortable Topic

By: Gabriela Yareliz A scene keeps playing over and over again, in my head. Summer of 2009, I visited France and did a stage with the French government. We were living in a small French mariner village. I gathered with young people from around the world (whom I love— friends for life), and what weContinue reading “An Uncomfortable Topic”

Stillness and Light

By: Gabriela Yareliz I just saw a little video on Mimi Ikonn’s Instagram stories of how she was walking in London and a hail/rain storm came out of nowhere. She and a friend took shelter under the ledge of a building. They were laughing and confused, getting soaked. It reminded me of that summer nightContinue reading “Stillness and Light”


Festival de Cannes 2019– we are ready for you. Can’t wait for May! I have posted about this festival, here, for almost a decade. The month of May is the greatest. One of the things on my bucket list is to visit Cannes in May. It’s a symbol of talent, beauty, class, international stars fromContinue reading “Cannes”


By: Gabriela Yareliz Recently, Atelier Doré announced its theme for the month is ‘coming home.’ Ahhh, the classic holiday move of returning to family and familiar grounds. For so many of us, home means two places: where our family lives and where we made memories, and also, the place where we lay our heads toContinue reading “Home”

A July Photo Diary

By: Gabriela Yareliz Warm New York summer rain threatens my unspoken plan. The rain is soft and glittery. It should be bottled up and sold as perfume. It paints the sky grey and paints us wet. In my search of the skyline for a perfect rooftop, I spot the flamingo tree. It’s sassy in itsContinue reading “A July Photo Diary”