Notes from Becoming Unstoppable

I was excited to attend Jamie Kern Lima’s Becoming Unstoppable event as part of her launch team. Worthy is officially out! Grab your copy. Below, I am sharing my notes from some speakers from the summit, Robin Roberts, John C. Maxwell and one of my favs of all time, Ed Mylett (author of The Power of One More). Eventually, Oprah, Maria Shriver and Ellen joined the summit (this was a sweet moment). I loved hearing about their early career stories. Stories of big decisions, faith, prayers answered, being fired, big dreams, and the things that they have overcome.

One of the things shared that I loved was when Robin Roberts quoted her former coach, “Discipline yourself so no one else has to.”

She mentioned the powerful reminder, “Setbacks are not permanent.”

Robin Roberts shared the important three “D’s” her parents taught her: Discipline, determination, and “da Lord” [sic] (truly the last is my favorite).

Ed Mylett, by contrast, discussed the “D’s” that are bad and screw us over: Doubt, discouragement, delusion and delay (you don’t need more for the next step– “the right time is now.”)

Ed Mylett shared about how we are most qualified because we overcame obstacles and adversity.

Ed Mylett talked about how he is the son of an alcoholic and how one person made a difference in his dad’s life and journey to sobriety– this person being a former alcoholic. When this person’s kindness changed his dad’s life, it in turn also changed his life as his son. He said, “I don’t think people can change their lives– I know it.”

Ed Mylett talked about Calfred Broderick’s “the one.” It is that one person in a family who is a “transitional character.” This person changes their lineage and breaks patterns and chains. To be “the one”, Mylett said you have to “love your family more than your fear.” That love is shown in doing the hard things (even when your family may not agree, care or support you).

Him and Kern Lima kept saying, “You are not crazy. You are just first.”

Another line I loved from Mylett when he was talking about how he built self-worth was, “I stopped listening to myself and started talking to myself.” He said it was time to stop believing the routine lies in his head and to start repeating to himself what God was telling him through the Bible.

John C. Maxwell talked about how “As long as you are learning, you are growing.”

You always want to be a first rate expression and version of yourself,” John C. Maxwell.

If God believes in me, why wouldn’t I believe in myself?” John C. Maxwell

Maxwell talked about sharing with others. “God calls us to be a river not a resevoir.

Oprah talked about her early dreams and prayers and how she always kneels when she prays. She said he grandmother told her that as long as she can bend a knee, “one kneels to the greater power above you.” She talked about Psalm 37:4, which was also my favorite verse growing up, and how it has played out in her life.

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

I hope some of these thoughts encourage and inspire you. Maybe it means praying differently, maybe it means starting to speak to yourself the truths God is whispering to you, maybe it means being bold in being “the one” or checking yourself on the bad D’s or incorporating the good D’s. Whatever it is, do it. As Maxwell says, be the first rate expression and version of yourself. Life is too short to be anything else.

Published by Gabriela Yareliz

Gabriela is a writer, editor and attorney. She loves the art of storytelling, and she is based in NYC.

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