Facing Loss

By: Gabriela Yareliz Some nights, I listen to Delilah on the radio. Old habits that stay a lifetime, I guess. There is something soothing about her voice and wisdom when night falls. Stories and old favorite songs float around in the darkness as slumber finally seduces the senses into stillness. I love the stories, andContinue reading “Facing Loss”

Que Nadie-That No One

By: Gabriela Yareliz Manuel Carrasco A Dúo Con Malú “Que Nadie” -Song /Que nadie calle tu verdad –That no one may silence your truth; que nadie te ahogue el corazon-That no one may choke your heart; que nadie te haga mas llorar-That no one may make you cry ever again; mintiendote en silencio- Lying to youContinue reading “Que Nadie-That No One”