Genocide Games

By: Gabriela Yareliz The Beijing 2022 Olympics begin in February. World governments have taken weak stances on China, a power that has no problem killing its own people, en masse. As we play around with diplomatic incompetence, there is a continual genocide being perpetrated against religious minorities, which includes the Uyghurs “who are a TurkicContinue reading “Genocide Games”

This Week’s Theme

By: Gabriela Yareliz Hard work+belief=results (See Monday Inspiration: November 30, 2015). When I need a pep talk or extra slap in the face– the video in this post is my go-to. It reminds me to always keep hustlin’. So, if you are weary from long hours at work, struggling through a moment of transition orContinue reading “This Week’s Theme”


By: Gabriela Yareliz Olympics are gone and out. I love the Olympics. It isn’t even about the athletes competing and doing their amazing things specifically; what gets me the most is how it is so patriotic. I am a sucker for patriotism and doing things to honor your flag and country. I like the ideaContinue reading “Athletic”