Reflecting on Courage and Rising

By: Gabriela Yareliz We near the end of this year. This morning, I came across the words, “Courage, dear heart,” written by C.S. Lewis. Those words came to mean something so much more profound to me this year. I read and held onto them before one of the darkest seasons of my own personal experience.Continue reading “Reflecting on Courage and Rising”

May 2023 Favorites

“The older you get, the more you realize it’s not what happens, but how you deal with it.” Tina Turner, 1939-2023 I love that quote by the legendary Tina Turner, may she rest in peace. This month was the hardest. There were days where all I had were questions, stacked. Despite the loss and heavinessContinue reading “May 2023 Favorites”


By: Gabriela Yareliz Despair seems to be as available as the air we breathe. It feels palpable. I see it in the faces of strangers, colleagues, clients. I sense it, too, in those I love. I sense it in myself, at times. The thing about despair is that when we breathe it in, it seemsContinue reading “Rise”


By: Gabriela Yareliz I am currently reading Harvard Economist Peter Navarro’s book In Trump Time: My Journal of America’s Plague Year. The book documents his notes and journal entries throughout his time in the past administration, specifically regarding his time on the task force when COVID-19 came onto the scene. It details discussions with FauciContinue reading “Testy”

A Society of Cowards

By: Gabriela Yareliz A society of cowards. Perhaps most of the ills in society can be traced back to a spiritual crisis in which we have eliminated God and have placed ourselves alone on the universe’s stage. And then, in the midst of the anarchy, we grow afraid. We live in a society that cravesContinue reading “A Society of Cowards”

The Vision

By: Gabriela Yareliz I have been a fan of M.I.A. for more than a decade. She became famous for Paper Planes and Bad Girls (Bad Girls has been stuck in my head since it was featured on The Mindy Project). I gravitated to her for her honesty and bad-assery. The Sri Lankan/British rapper is oneContinue reading “The Vision”

May 2022 Favorites

Hello! We have come to the end of my favorite month– and what a month it has been. I binged the Johnny Depp v Amber Heard trial. My thoughts on it were the #1 post of the month. As I review this, we are still on verdict watch. I enjoyed watching videos from the attorneysContinue reading “May 2022 Favorites”

February 2022 Favorites

By: Gabriela Yareliz It has been a rollercoaster of a month. It was warm on some days and bitterly cold on others. We did our Adele series. There is war. Apparently, Putin eliminated the pandemic by invading Ukraine (thanks, Putin?). Inflation was through the roof even prior to the Ukraine-Russia conflict (thanks, Biden?). There isContinue reading “February 2022 Favorites”


By: Gabriela Yareliz Recently, I saw someone write that “courage is a blessing.” A fact in human history is that there are people who have the audacity to do some pretty terrible things or to tell bold lies. We need more people who have the courage to do the right thing. Those who don’t discardContinue reading “Courage”

Eyes On You

By: Gabriela Yareliz Welcome to another day. A new variant. A new state of emergency. More fear being vomited onto us. (If only we reacted to it as the vomit that it is). That’s what seems to be heaped on us, like a bad record on repeat. It’s the day after the worst day ofContinue reading “Eyes On You”