My Goggles

By: Gabriela Yareliz Tonight, I was transported back to the early 2000s. (I watched How to Deal). I know I take you back there a lot, and I think it’s because there was a purity to how unique we were then. We had to be, in a world with no social media or influencers. WeContinue reading “My Goggles”


By: Gabriela Yareliz For those of us who grew up in the 90s-2000s, pop had such a big influence on us. There were the classic pop artists, like Britney Spears, Mandy Moore and Jessica Simpson. These were the sweet, bubblegum, “wholesome” idols of the age. We loved them. Then, there were the slightly edgier onesContinue reading “Recycling”

How to Deal

By: Gabriela Yareliz I remember one particular afternoon, where I was sitting in my high school adviser’s office. My high school adviser was and is a friend; someone I would talk to about concerns and life in general– not just school stuff. I was sitting back in a chair chewing on a candy from his glass jar and complainingContinue reading “How to Deal”

This Week’s Picks: October 27, 2013

1] Demi Lovato’s best song: 2] How to stay warm now that it is freezing (wink) By: Gabriela Yareliz (me) 1] Tights/leggings (the very hated elements of winter that help) 2] Laugh 3] Gloves that are not knit; that have no holes where the cold seeps in 4] Grow your hair long and wrap itContinue reading “This Week’s Picks: October 27, 2013”