Leaving Behind

By: Gabriela Yareliz I was reminded by Bailey, a sweet blogger at This Illustrious Life, in this decade and year– what are we leaving behind? She said maybe it’s anxiety, insecurities, maybe even negativity. I want to take that one step further. I recognize that while it may be easy to get nostalgic over theContinue reading “Leaving Behind”

Amazing Grace

By: Ellen G. White “Pride of the heart is always associated with ignorance of God. It is the light of God that discovers our darkness and destitution.” – Review and Herald, Feb. 9, 1897 “We are called by Christ to come out from the world and to be separate. We are called to live holyContinue reading “Amazing Grace”

Our courage

By: Gabriela Yareliz This is something we should all remind ourselves: By: Ellen G. White Talk courage to the people; lift them up to God in prayer. Many who have been overcome by temptation are humiliated by their failures, and they feel that it is in vain for them to approach unto God; but thisContinue reading “Our courage”

Change in character and reforming our ways

By: Gabriela Yareliz PART II So this piece is a bit long; I understand. Time runs short these days, but I encourage you, if you are interested in these topics of peace, philosophy and belief, to read it. I wouldn’t spend time typing this out if I didn’t think this was important. I have dividedContinue reading “Change in character and reforming our ways”