Waiting for Fahd

“I grew up in Guantanamo, and now that you’ve heard my story, you cannot turn away.” I had the privilege of being with the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) team as it talked about and brainstormed ideas for its media efforts with Fahd’s story (over the summer, at the Radical Lawyering conference). I met the attorneys who have traveled back andContinue reading “Waiting for Fahd”

Love’s Telepathy, Thrice

By: Gabriela Yareliz Love is a lot of things. We can go down a list that resembles 1 Corinthians 13 or a wedding vow. Love is powerful, sacrificial and one of the greatest, if not the greatest, force in the world. And while it’s all those things and more, it’s interesting to think of howContinue reading “Love’s Telepathy, Thrice”

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month

By: Gabriela Yareliz This is something I am very passionate about, and I want to share that January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Please check out the links below, which have fact sheets. More importantly, read some survivor stories. Let us raise awareness and join together in prayer for those who are victims of modernContinue reading “January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month”

This Week’s Picks: June 23, 2013

Hello Everyone, I hope this week will be an inspiring one. I hope each of us will take a duty to uplift others, and enjoy the beautiful summer ahead of us. Let us look back and count our blessings. Let us dream big and change the world in our own way. Let us change perspectiveContinue reading “This Week’s Picks: June 23, 2013”

French election “Presidentielle 2012” campaign videos

By: Gabriela Yareliz I had to share these campaign videos. I am taking a French politics class and we’ve been keeping tabs on the 10 candidates. Here are some clips of the top, brilliant candidates (they all are in one way or another). Francois Hollande, the socialist (PS) candidate, came out with a new campaign videoContinue reading “French election “Presidentielle 2012” campaign videos”