Autumn Anticipation

“Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.” William Cullen Bryant By: Gabriela Yareliz It has been a strange season where tension and thick trauma linger in the air like a dense fog. But don’t worry– I am not here to dwell on that, today. We are approaching the season that makes one feel like one isContinue reading “Autumn Anticipation”

Sunday Girl: October 23, 2016

By: Gabriela Yareliz Friday came to a close as I sat down to eat a stale piece of leftover pizza after making my apartment look like Monica Geller had come to visit. As I chewed on the pizza, I perused an article about the shelf life of pizza in a refrigerator, on BuzzFeed. Halfway throughContinue reading “Sunday Girl: October 23, 2016”

#Mood Autumn

By: Gabriela Yareliz Autumn makes me feel like I am stuck in an episode of Gilmore Girls; in an eternal autumn. Luke’s Diner, anyone? It makes me feel like I am in some time warp, in a classic 90s movie where NYC is dressed for the holidays. It’s that feeling of drinking tea with aContinue reading “#Mood Autumn”

Monday Inspiration: March 16, 2015

By: Gabriela Yareliz Helllooooo Mondaaaaay. You ready to work this week? Let’s do it. Let’s be people who truly listen. People who are true friends. Let’s be people. “You are a beautiful and extraordinary masterpiece created by the most wonderful Artist there is.” Unknown Monday book bonding: Mid-March Monday truth: Monday dreams: Monday epiphany: MondayContinue reading “Monday Inspiration: March 16, 2015”

This Month’s Picks: November 2014

By: Gabriela Yareliz November, November, November. You have given me unexpected gifts, and for that I am grateful. I was pressing some  little purple flowers in a book, and I thought, it’s funny how something so temporary, like a flower, can have its beauty preserved, even after it’s lifeless. I once had a discussion with a friend who said there wasContinue reading “This Month’s Picks: November 2014”

Sunday Girl

Soundtrack: “In my mind, it’s Sunday all the time.” By: Gabriela Yareliz So, my dream of a rainy [omitted: humid] November came true, except for the humid part, which was part of the request. Yesterday, rain drops pelted us like bullets. Cold, stinging rain. I guess you can’t have it all. (Grin). November is here, andContinue reading “Sunday Girl”

This Month’s Picks: October 2014

By: Gabriela Yareliz That’s it. October is out with a bang! And November is being swept in by a cold gust of wind (and not the weird Pharrell ‘you-remind-me-of-the-air’-“Gust of wind” song). Here is my compilation of fun things I found throughout the month, as usual. There are a few of my favorite things sprinkled below:Continue reading “This Month’s Picks: October 2014”

This Month’s Picks: July 2014

[Change ‘medical school’ to ‘law school’ and her face to mine. The struggle is real.] By: Gabriela Yareliz  “We’re almost there and nowhere near it. All that matters is we’re going.” — Lorelai Gilmore, Gilmore Girls. Oh July! Why is it that I feel more disciplined during the semester as opposed to during summer? (I am laughingContinue reading “This Month’s Picks: July 2014”

This Week’s Picks: November 10, 2013

By: Gabriela Yareliz Frosty morning to you. That is what this morning was. It has been so incredibly cold. We’ll all be drinking Barley drink (Kaffree Roma-substitute for coffee) and our (eye) glasses will be fogged as we seek warmth. We are now condemned to months in tights, boots, gloves, coats and wind. On theContinue reading “This Week’s Picks: November 10, 2013”