Seeking Wonder

By: Gabriela Yareliz Oh yes, the season is here. The other day, I woke up and heard the faint bouncing of a basketball at 7 am. Probably the cute Asian kid that lives next door. It was that rhythmic bounce on a slab of concrete in the middle of their tiny backyard. Their net isContinue reading “Seeking Wonder”

How to Have a Charmed Spring

By: Gabriela Yareliz I loved Gigi Chomiak‘s 100 Ways to Romance Life email newsletter (sent February 11). It got my mind wandering and thinking about the things that I feel make (or could make) spring magical. Spring is my favorite season, so I figured it would be fun to make a little list of howContinue reading “How to Have a Charmed Spring”

Hope Against Hope

“Does the acorn dream of the oak? And if it doesn’t, from where is the whisper of spring?” Sophie Ward (From The Love River) By: Gabriela Yareliz It’s a quiet morning, with the exception of the gurgling of the radiator and my screaming neighbors (they are positively unwell or just typical New Yorkers). We goContinue reading “Hope Against Hope”

This Past Season

“And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, support, strengthen and establish you.” 1 Peter 5:10 By: Gabriela Yareliz I always do enjoy putting my thoughts out into letters. It sort of shifts things in timeContinue reading “This Past Season”


By: Gabriela Yareliz Somehow, I ended up in that train car. It’s one I seldom end up on. It’s the one that starts in the Upper East Side and goes to Brooklyn filled with young, hip, beautiful people. You have the friends who are chatty and distracted, standing at the poll, giggling every time theyContinue reading “Spring”

Turtlenecks, Snow Globes, and Other Sources of Magic

By: Gabriela Yareliz The bridge is glittering outside. The city is falling asleep. I closed my window and watered my plants. And here is some randomness for the night. [Amal Clooney, Yahoo! News] Turtlenecks  Turtlenecks. I grew up wearing them. My whole family wore them during my childhood in Michigan. Mine came in every color andContinue reading “Turtlenecks, Snow Globes, and Other Sources of Magic”

Sunday Girl: October 23, 2016

By: Gabriela Yareliz Friday came to a close as I sat down to eat a stale piece of leftover pizza after making my apartment look like Monica Geller had come to visit. As I chewed on the pizza, I perused an article about the shelf life of pizza in a refrigerator, on BuzzFeed. Halfway throughContinue reading “Sunday Girl: October 23, 2016”

Friday Glee: August 12, 2016

[Image from The Daily Mail] By: Gabriela Yareliz The heat advisory is on. It’s hot, muggy and rain + thunder are looming over our entire weekend, in NYC. Back-to-school vibes are everywhere. The week has me wiped out. My brain is so dead. This week, I managed to lose a bra. Well, I guess theContinue reading “Friday Glee: August 12, 2016”

Reflections Before Bedtime #88

By: Gabriela Yareliz summer We will be the ones to run around in warm summer rain, until we are soaked and our chests are heaving from so much laughter. Our hair, stuck like wet yarn, on our faces and skin. Raindrops will run in paths paved by tears long ago. Sweet heat; and sweet healing.Continue reading “Reflections Before Bedtime #88”

To Start the Autumn Vibes

[Images reblogged from and] Compiled by: Gabriela Yareliz Marisa De Los Santos’ books always make me feel warm and fuzzy, comfortable, and they cast a soft glow on your soul. A book of hers is definitely a pick-me-up for the autumn days. It’s time to dig out my sweaters from the closet bags.Continue reading “To Start the Autumn Vibes”