Seeking Wonder

By: Gabriela Yareliz Oh yes, the season is here. The other day, I woke up and heard the faint bouncing of a basketball at 7 am. Probably the cute Asian kid that lives next door. It was that rhythmic bounce on a slab of concrete in the middle of their tiny backyard. Their net isContinue reading “Seeking Wonder”

Switchblade PCRs, Standing Dresses and the Triplets Return

By: Gabriela Yareliz Triplets I thought maybe they were moving out because there was so much noise in the hallway, yesterday. Yes, I am talking about my neighbors, the triplets. I thought maybe they were carting their sofa away. (Wishful thinking). I hadn’t heard a peep from the triplets. But today, they were back, andContinue reading “Switchblade PCRs, Standing Dresses and the Triplets Return”

Studio Update 15

By: Gabriela Yareliz I woke up in such a funk. First, I barely slept. I was exhausted, but my mind was racing and racing. I turned on the rain scene from the Calm app, and somehow and at some point, I drifted off to sleep. Torrential rains washed away the anxieties of the day. IContinue reading “Studio Update 15”


By: Gabriela Yareliz It’s funny how when you live in an apartment building, you know your neighbors. I am not talking about full conversations and dinner parties (although, some may be that lucky)… I guess it would be more accurate to say that you know about your neighbors. There’s the neighbor who you believe neverContinue reading “#Neighbors”