Favorite January 2022 Quotes

By: Gabriela Yareliz Here are the handful of quotes that stayed on my mind throughout the month of January 2022: Understanding “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” Attributed to Marie Curie Fear really distorts thingsContinue reading “Favorite January 2022 Quotes”


By: Gabriela Yareliz Recently, I saw someone write that “courage is a blessing.” A fact in human history is that there are people who have the audacity to do some pretty terrible things or to tell bold lies. We need more people who have the courage to do the right thing. Those who don’t discardContinue reading “Courage”

What a Revolutionary Is Made Of

“Sometimes, the greatest safety can be found in taking the right risk. Whether it be an individual, a community or a country, when faced with tragedy or fearful uncertainty, we either become bigger and enter life more fully, or else we accept a diminished life and resign ourselves to a smaller way of being.” MichaelContinue reading “What a Revolutionary Is Made Of”

Carried Home

By: Gabriela Yareliz Recently, my fiancé (yes– you read that right!) and I were driving back from a farm outside of the city. Taconic State Parkway, y’all. Unwillingly crawling our way back into Gotham City. It was late, and it’s a dark highway. The only thing illuminating those narrow, dark winding roads was the occasionalContinue reading “Carried Home”

Weaponizing Race

By: Gabriela Yareliz This is probably not a spiel you are used to, so hear me out: Today, I witnessed a disturbing thing on a playground. Let me set up the scene: It was a new playground, with a very cool and unique swing. There was only one of these swings, and two sisters wereContinue reading “Weaponizing Race”

Women’s Month: Maryam Rostampour & Marziyeh Amirizadeh

[Image from World Mag] By: Gabriela Yareliz How many of us believe something so strongly that we’d die for it? How many of us have an integrity that allows us to stare death in the face and not flinch? Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh met in 2005, while studying theology in Turkey. After completing theirContinue reading “Women’s Month: Maryam Rostampour & Marziyeh Amirizadeh”