Winter Ambles

By: Gabriela Yareliz I am going to be taking a break from the city soon. I am going to drain Fifth Avenue from my veins for a bit. Going home is a detox. Slowly, I stop wearing black structured clothes, pretentious city makeup, and I breathe a little more deeply; my adrenaline levels become normal;Continue reading “Winter Ambles”

This Month’s Picks: October 2014

By: Gabriela Yareliz That’s it. October is out with a bang! And November is being swept in by a cold gust of wind (and not the weird Pharrell ‘you-remind-me-of-the-air’-“Gust of wind” song). Here is my compilation of fun things I found throughout the month, as usual. There are a few of my favorite things sprinkled below:Continue reading “This Month’s Picks: October 2014”