Page Eleven, Letter D

By: Gabriela Yareliz I clicked on one of the thousands of marketing emails I receive in my old law school email that I still very much use. It was Magnolia’s Holiday Collection. There was something about the layout that reminded me of the old school catalogs. Maybe, also the holiday theme. I got a weirdContinue reading “Page Eleven, Letter D”


By: Gabriela Yareliz I was doing a mini-course this week on the Commune platform by Koya Webb. She talks a lot about freedom, healing and she just seems so sweet and full of good energy. She said something during the course that I loved, which is the fact that we are each “creators not victims.”Continue reading “Creators”


By: Gabriela Yareliz This month, I’ve been reflecting a lot on growth; personal growth. What it means to be a lifelong student. I’ve been learning from people like Lauryn Evarts Bosstick, Ed Mylett and Ryan Holiday (all personal favorites in the podcast and writing sphere). You may have noticed that this month I was veryContinue reading “Growth”

Winter Ambles

By: Gabriela Yareliz I am going to be taking a break from the city soon. I am going to drain Fifth Avenue from my veins for a bit. Going home is a detox. Slowly, I stop wearing black structured clothes, pretentious city makeup, and I breathe a little more deeply; my adrenaline levels become normal;Continue reading “Winter Ambles”