March 2024 Favorites

Here I am– a bit late. Late on many things. I literally have to do my taxes tonight. March was a month of overwhelming joy. There is sort of no other way to describe it. I was overwhelmed at work. Overwhelmed with gratitude in my personal life. I spent time with family and beautiful people who filled my heart so much it spilled over the brim. I was overwhelmed with opportunity and God’s soft leading to next steps and new chapters. I was overwhelmed with love and miracles and unexpected blessings. I guess March Madness isn’t always a bad thing.

It has taken me a minute to come down from the high and frenzy that was March. I have slowly settled into feeling more like myself and snapping into my routines (new and old) and the day-to-day.

But that’s the thing– God’s overwhelming goodness is there each day if we are ready to receive it. There is no stopping point. All that is needed is the awareness, humility and gratitude to receive it.

I hope God overwhelmed you with His goodness in March, and continues to do so in April. Spring. The timely reminder and relief that all is on time and new beginnings burst forth with beauty and color.


We cannot selectively numb emotions.” Brene Brown (“If you numb sadness, you will also numb joy. If you numb pain, you will numb pleasure and ecstasy.” Aggie Lal)

If you know something’s going to work, it’s not worth working on. It requires no courage. It requires no faith. It requires no skin in the game. Whether you’re a spy or a teacher or a spouse or a painter or an abuela or an astronaut or a monk or a barista or a board-game designer, the bits that matter are the bits you make matter by putting yourself on the line for them. The unknown is the foundry where you forge your chips. Everything important is uncertain. Sitting with the discomfort of that uncertainty is the hard part, the wedge that can move the world.” Eliot Peper

Let hope guide. And joy surprise. See this new thing taking root in you.” Magnolia Magazine, Issue No. 30, Possibility, pg. 12

When we reach the end of our days, our life experience will equal what we have paid attention to, whether by choice or default.” William James

There’s no place for lies in art.” Barbra Steisand

The culture validates the integrity of the vision.” Erwin Raphael McManus

“Resilience matters in success. I don’t know how to teach it to you except for, ‘I hope suffering happens to you’. I use the phrase ‘pain and suffering’ in our company with great glee. Greatness comes from character, and character is formed out of people who suffered. I wish upon you ample doses of pain & suffering.” Jensen Huang (Nvidia CEO)

Growing into your power starts with taking risks.” Dr. Habib Sadeghi

I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I don’t do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.” Michael Jordan

Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” Gloria Steinem

If you have a problem with me, text me. And if you don’t have my number, you don’t know me well enough to have a problem.” Christian Bale

Being optimistic doesn’t mean you don’t experience negative thoughts. It just means that you don’t let them control you.” Ed Latimore

He spoke to the winds and the waves because they were meant to listen, in the same way, he speaks to you.” Erwin McManus

It’s a lot of hard work that goes into falling in love with your country again…” Jessica Kraus

Lift others up. Go out of your way to make someone’s day better. The world does an amazing job of tearing people down. Be the part of the world that does the building up. It’s needed.” Unknown

Learning is about becoming incompetent on our way to getting better. If you’re not open to the tension that is caused by knowing you could do better, it’s unlikely you’re willing to do the work to get better. As you’re doing that work, there’s the satisfaction it brings, but also the knowledge that just a moment ago, you weren’t any good.” Seth Godin

Imagine what might come of a willingness to embrace what could be in addition to all that already is.” Joanna Gaines

Some people get addicted to chain-smoking their problems. They spend all day going from sorrow to sorrow. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can live each day going from joy to joy—like a sunflower that turns to face the sun as it moves across the sky. It’s not about having a problem-free life, but about focusing on the light. Sunflowers still have shadows, but they are always behind them.” James Clear

Being is an empty fiction. We must fill it up ourselves— we must invent, we must create.” Joyce Carol Oates

And pressure, mon amour, is a privilege.” Aarti, The Duchess Academy

You aren’t a victim, you just haven’t chosen a different identity yet.”

When I believe in the possibility of miracles, I’m more likely to experience them.” Marianne Williamson

Brave admiral, say but one good word; ‘What shall we do when hope is gone?’ The words leapt like a leaping sword: ‘Sail on! Sail on! Sail on! And on!’” As seen at Henry Mercer’s home

Be a paradox. Build an empire. Have fun doing it. Train like a savage. Create like an artist. Dream in decades. Act in days. Lift. Run. Sweat. Learn. Build. Design. Ignore expectations. Because if you’re easily defined, you’re easily forgotten.” Zach Pogrob

The ability to embrace uncertainty leads to ultimate freedom.” Unknown

You don’t apologize to be forgiven, you apologize to repent. Forgiveness is a gift given from the other person.” The Chosen

None of our leaders are punished for lying. Instead, regular people are punished for telling the truth.” Tucker Carlson

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” William James

Outliers are people who made their contradictions work for them.” @Anuatluru

Let the empty tomb be a reminder we won’t find new life in dead places.” RaisedtoStay

Every man is as close to God as he wants to be.” A.W. Tozer

Do it scared. Future you will thank you.”


Naomi Wolf’s Letter from NYC

Spring cleaning for your marriage

An incredible Easter message.

I watched Oppenheimer, and it was brilliant.

This was a talk I had heard in the past, but it was reposted and a timely reminder.

Favorite read:

People Who Intrigue Me

Robert Oppenheimer

Walter Winchell

Steve Martin could play him in a movie…

It’s a rainy week. You know what they say, April showers bring May flowers…

Published by Gabriela Yareliz

Gabriela is a writer, editor and attorney. She loves the art of storytelling, and she is based in NYC.

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