Merry Christmas

“Christmas is for freedom. Freedom from the fear of death. Jesus took our nature in Bethlehem, to die our death in Jerusalem, that we might be fearless in our city. Yes, fearless. Because if the biggest threat to my joy is gone, then why should I fret over the little ones?” John Piper Wishing youContinue reading “Merry Christmas”

Monday Inspiration: November 27, 2017

By: Gabriela Yareliz Happy Monday, my lovely friends. I wanted to start off the week with the following thought. I was listening to a podcast on the train, as I often do. It was The Skinny Confidential, featuring guest Melissa Wood-Tepperberg (of @melissawoodhealth). She was sharing information about her health journey, past eating disorders, plantContinue reading “Monday Inspiration: November 27, 2017”

Come Walk With Me: Ponce

By: Gabriela Yareliz We visited the Castillo Serralles, the plaza, and we strolled around as the sun was setting. The sky turned a beautiful, bright cobalt blue. Near the plaza, there was the best little ice cream shop, with natural fruit ice creams (I got guanabana). Also near the plaza, is the best souvenir shopContinue reading “Come Walk With Me: Ponce”

How Many Kings?

By: Gabriela Yareliz Oftentimes, we feel alone in our wandering through this human journey– alone in that we feel God doesn’t understand our pain or our struggles. We see God as distant, far– and yet, this season reminds us that God left His throne to assume flesh. He became man and faced our nature andContinue reading “How Many Kings?”

Tuesday Badinage: November 29, 2016

By: Gabriela Yareliz It’s raining in NYC, today. Christmas decorations are up. The city looks beautiful and glittery, like the movies. I had a hectic morning. Lost my metro card, missed my train, almost didn’t make it into Court on time because of the weather and the long security line wrapped around the building. IContinue reading “Tuesday Badinage: November 29, 2016”

Merry Christmas

Dear friends, I am wishing you a warm and beautiful Christmas. May you find the peace that only God can give. I am sending you love from sunny Florida. May your Christmas be all about Jesus, family, forgiveness, love, grace, truth and hope. xoxo, Gabriela Yareliz May you embark on a beautiful journey where the aweContinue reading “Merry Christmas”

Merry Christmas!

By: Gabriela Yareliz Hi! Hi! Hi! One more exam to destroy. I want to wish everyone an amazing Christmas season. Spend time with family, reflect, have some introspection, get some safe sunshine, thank God for His amazing gifts and our incredible lives, relax, drink tea, do something new, spend less time on your computer orContinue reading “Merry Christmas!”

Holiday Spirit

By: Gabriela Yareliz So, this weekend was great. Sabbath was lovely, and then after church we went out with some families from the church, ate, and walked around the festival of lights display at the North Florida Regional Hospital. It was magical. Lots of lights and sparkly things- music and young people hand-in-hand having someContinue reading “Holiday Spirit”