May 2024 Favorites

By: Gabriela Yareliz May– my favorite month. It is always action-packed with birthdays and holidays. What is not to love? I got to attend my new employer’s commencement ceremony in my full regalia, which was nostalgic. I made a new work bestie. I started reading Seduction by Robert Greene, and it is gold. (All ofContinue reading “May 2024 Favorites”

February 2024 Favorites

February was a jam-packed month. We found this beautiful coffee place called Felix’s. I tried Spring Aspen Cafe and Jack’s Wife Freda (loved their salmon burger). We spent a beautiful day out-of-state doing important things. It was incredibly memorable. I loved my flowers that I was gifted that day. We ate good food. It wasContinue reading “February 2024 Favorites”

Notes from my Coaching Journal

By: Gabriela Yareliz I wanted to share some snippets from some of my coaching journals. I am nearing my first full year of coaching, and I have learned so much. Coaching has affirmed my desire for expansion and growth. It feeds my little hungry caterpillar soul. I won’t lie, that sometimes, we feel afraid andContinue reading “Notes from my Coaching Journal”


At the age of twelve, the word “destiny” began to fascinate me. I think Billy Shakespeare did that to me. I began thinking about it in a nuanced way, intertwined with the idea that we all have free will and always have a choice. The word “destiny” then sort of was replaced by “purpose.” IContinue reading “Destiny”

Autumn Essentials

By: Gabriela Yareliz It’s the autumn essentials, and by essentials, I of course mean books. It’s the season for cozy evenings and candle light. What will you be reading? What books are hitting my shelf this autumn? You don’t have to ask me twice… Evergreen: Discover the Joy in Every Season Lydia Millen’s favorite chapterContinue reading “Autumn Essentials”

The Therapy Gems

By: Gabriela Yareliz Therapy is something I have found immensely helpful when processing life events or the past. It is an incredible tool that leads to more self-awareness. In April, I started a christian coaching program that when I signed up, I had no idea how needed it was going to be. Both therapy andContinue reading “The Therapy Gems”