March 2024 Favorites

Here I am– a bit late. Late on many things. I literally have to do my taxes tonight. March was a month of overwhelming joy. There is sort of no other way to describe it. I was overwhelmed at work. Overwhelmed with gratitude in my personal life. I spent time with family and beautiful peopleContinue reading “March 2024 Favorites”

Pain, The Gift

Pain has a way of breaking us open, allowing space for us to see through the veneer at who we truly are. We grow numb to the world; cold like porcelain— but then, suddenly, pain reminds us we are alive. Pain strikes the nerve; its force and imposition felt like a live wire. Pain remindsContinue reading “Pain, The Gift”

November 2023 Favorites

This was a month that brought some magic. This month, I met one of my favorite writers and some pretty incredible women. I spent time in Manhattan, which I always love. I saw the homage to Matthew Perry at the Friend’s building. Speaking only for the city, we voted in the same criminals into publicContinue reading “November 2023 Favorites”

Reflecting on Courage and Rising

By: Gabriela Yareliz We near the end of this year. This morning, I came across the words, “Courage, dear heart,” written by C.S. Lewis. Those words came to mean something so much more profound to me this year. I read and held onto them before one of the darkest seasons of my own personal experience.Continue reading “Reflecting on Courage and Rising”

A Havisham Summer

By: Gabriela Yareliz I’ll start with this– I’ve missed writing. And I don’t mean my month recaps– though those are fun too (and one is coming). I mean I miss my brain dumps where I bare my heart and wax poetic. Reading Garance Dore archives reminded me of what it felt like to write journal-typeContinue reading “A Havisham Summer”

May 2023 Favorites

“The older you get, the more you realize it’s not what happens, but how you deal with it.” Tina Turner, 1939-2023 I love that quote by the legendary Tina Turner, may she rest in peace. This month was the hardest. There were days where all I had were questions, stacked. Despite the loss and heavinessContinue reading “May 2023 Favorites”

April 2023 Favorites

“Keep close to your heart this one simple truth: there is still light, there always is. Embrace the healing hand of grief, bear its weight as long as you need to, but find solace in the knowing that the pain and sorrow you are feeling are proof that you have known something sacred; that theContinue reading “April 2023 Favorites”

Joan Didion

“I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want, and what I fear.” Joan Didion By: Gabriela Yareliz Many of us who love reading and writing mourn a legendary writer, Joan Didion. I’ve seen so many people reflecting on: her essaysContinue reading “Joan Didion”

Carlos Marin

By: Gabriela Yareliz Writing with condolences to the family of Carlos Marin and the Il Divo family. We have lost one of the greatest vocalists to come out of Spain (and the world, to be honest) to this virus that has flipped the world upside down. There is so much that will just never beContinue reading “Carlos Marin”

Eyes On You

By: Gabriela Yareliz Welcome to another day. A new variant. A new state of emergency. More fear being vomited onto us. (If only we reacted to it as the vomit that it is). That’s what seems to be heaped on us, like a bad record on repeat. It’s the day after the worst day ofContinue reading “Eyes On You”