Being Human: Look Ugly in a Photograph

“The more you see the less you know The less you find out as you go I knew much more then than I do now” City of Blinding Lights, U2 By: Gabriela Yareliz GREAT EXPECTATIONS Expectations can be a funny thing. This week, I experienced this, first-hand. I was going to exchange letters with someoneContinue reading “Being Human: Look Ugly in a Photograph”

Joseph-In-Prison Moment

By: Gabriela Yareliz I started 2016 feeling cursed. Yes, I said cursed. I am being candid, here. I write some of this with edgy humor, by the way. Bear with me. From week one, 2016 was a mess… There will be a fun, 2016 recap post at the end of the year. It has beenContinue reading “Joseph-In-Prison Moment”


“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” Khalil Gibran By: Gabriela Yareliz Have you ever had a dream where everything you fear may never come true becomes reality? When we sit back and look at the things we are afraid of, or the things we hardenContinue reading “Scars”

This semester, brought to you by: Jesus

How I feel after my last exam today: By: Gabriela Yareliz Here is to the end of the semester! It wasn’t until recently that I was able to walk around NYC with a friend under the holiday lights and hidden stars. School hit us hard this semester. Words–I feel like they’ve been flashing before myContinue reading “This semester, brought to you by: Jesus”

This week’s picks: Jan. 28, 2013 (last of January)

By: Gabriela Yareliz This week has been so strange. It has been overwhelming. More reading, assignments and cold calls than ever. I got an offer and accepted a fantastic internship that I never imagined I would be working in (thanks for the prayers guys), and I helped head up a panel that was a completeContinue reading “This week’s picks: Jan. 28, 2013 (last of January)”

Marriage and Hague

By: Gabriela Yareliz Yesterday, a Summer’s grandmother came by with wedding pictures of the wonderful young lady (Summer) who used to work with me. She looked stunning. It warmed my heart to see her happiness. I think, as we speak, her new husband is building her a house on the top of a hill. How romantic is that? IContinue reading “Marriage and Hague”