My French Library

By: Gabriela Yareliz I lit my candles to get rid of the evidence in the air that I had been cooking and roasting potatoes all morning. To contextualize this post (I keep thinking of those in the future who may read this back if they are bored or looking for a good French read), theContinue reading “My French Library”

Nikki and Artem are Married!

Nikki Bella and Artem Chigvintsev got married (in Paris)!!!!!! That is the post. Almost fell out of my chair when I saw the news break. Fangirling here. They met in 2017 on Dancing With the Stars. I remember it so well. One of my favorite couples. It was cool to see Nikki’s transformation on theContinue reading “Nikki and Artem are Married!”

The Same Voyage

By: Gabriela Yareliz I watched Bon Voyage (Jean-Paul Rappeneau). It had been years since I had seen the film. It is one of intrigue. One where the upper class and average French life collides as the Germans are invading France. You see government officials in their reasoning for fleeing and surrendering, you see German spies,Continue reading “The Same Voyage”


By: Gabriela Yareliz I have this olive green dress from Target that I love. I’ve had it since 2009. It stands out because it’s sleeveless and has deep pockets. It’s made from comfortable light material. Perfect for a summer day. I took it to France with me the summer of 2009. In the process ofContinue reading “Ticket”

Two Years at a Bank

By: Gabriela Yareliz I was chewing on a pretzel and catching glimpses of my acne-stained cheeks in the reflection of the changing screen on my computer when his LinkedIn update appeared where the reflection of my face had been a split second ago. Two years working at a bank, it said. I looked at hisContinue reading “Two Years at a Bank”

Stillness and Light

By: Gabriela Yareliz I just saw a little video on Mimi Ikonn’s Instagram stories of how she was walking in London and a hail/rain storm came out of nowhere. She and a friend took shelter under the ledge of a building. They were laughing and confused, getting soaked. It reminded me of that summer nightContinue reading “Stillness and Light”

Studio Update 25

By: Gabriela Yareliz I am up like a kid, under the covers while the space heater hums in the background, waiting to get in trouble because I should be asleep. There is no one to berate me. My apartment still has a coolness to it from having the window open all day. Yesterday’s rain remindedContinue reading “Studio Update 25”

Douce France

By: Gabriela Yareliz Tonight at church, we had an amazing spoken word and music night. I heard the music and testimony of a young man who found God, hope and music in the midst of his chemotherapy and anguish. He was so vulnerable with us tonight. It was beautiful. Tonight, we were pained to hearContinue reading “Douce France”

Monday Inspiration: January 26, 2015

By: Gabriela Yareliz Something tells me time is going to simply evaporate in these next few weeks. It’s time to embrace every moment and savor the details and slow ticking of the clock. It is a beautiful time, a strange time, a difficult time, an emotional time, an uncertain time–it’s time. I hope that thisContinue reading “Monday Inspiration: January 26, 2015”

Friday Glee: December 12, 2014

I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see. John Burroughs  [Both screenshots are from the film: La Delicatesse, which is such a treat.] [Is that theContinue reading “Friday Glee: December 12, 2014”