
By: Gabriela Yareliz

This Christmas season, if there is anything that stood out to me the most from the familiar Christmas story it was its humility. The bleak circumstance of it all. How the God of the universe’s arrival frustrated every expectation. His parents filled with the same anxieties that overwhelm us, at times. The inn was full and stuff was not exactly ideal, and yet it was as it needed to be. I am amazed at His earthly parents’ humility in accepting the responsibility of God’s favor, and God’s humility that was laced with His incomprehensible love toward us.

I am amazed at the humility of those who saw the star in the sky and received messages from angels. The common thread in this story is it is full of people who were sincere and humble people, searching for and treasuring truth. People who were willing to set aside expectations to be guided. People willing to be surprised. They united humility and belief and saw God’s face.

Those who were stuck in their own expectations missed the signs all around.

Don’t miss the signs. Don’t miss Him.

In contrast with all the humility is the word ‘king.’ A King was born to us on that day. The only true King to walk this earth. Its Creator incarnate.

Everything about Him surprises us. It still does. We still end up in the inn stable. He transforms all things and people. His light, like the star, draws us. The darkness has not overcome the light, and it never will. (John 1:5)

He is flesh. He is King. He is Savior. He is with us.

His reward is still the same for the humble and seeking— they will see His face.

Published by Gabriela Yareliz

Gabriela is a writer, editor and attorney. She loves the art of storytelling, and she is based in NYC.

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