
By: Gabriela Yareliz This Christmas season, if there is anything that stood out to me the most from the familiar Christmas story it was its humility. The bleak circumstance of it all. How the God of the universe’s arrival frustrated every expectation. His parents filled with the same anxieties that overwhelm us, at times. TheContinue reading “King”

God’s Mysterious Ways

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 By: Gabriela Yareliz Sometimes, when we read the Bible, a verse or passage continuesContinue reading “God’s Mysterious Ways”

This Week’s Picks: May 12, 2013

Hello Friends! Three exams down and one more to go + writing competition. I do have one thing to say: Yes. I am alive, like Mooshoo from Mulan. Thank God. God is good. It has been a rough set of weeks, but we are almost at the other side. My brain cells are a bitContinue reading “This Week’s Picks: May 12, 2013”