Finding the Roots

By: Gabriela Yareliz I have been intrigued lately by the unfolding Ghislaine Maxwell case (the trial is happening here, in the Southern District of New York). You can find neat updates at @houseinhabit on Instagram. (She is in the courthouse, these days). Something else that has captured my attention is the Apple TV + seriesContinue reading “Finding the Roots”

Filling the Gap

By: Gabriela Yareliz I read something that I loved (and struck a chord with me) in Prayer in the Night, by Tish Harrison Warren. It was this idea that sometimes, we carry such deep burdens. There are times in life when we are drained to the core and can barely look up. Warren makes theContinue reading “Filling the Gap”


By: Gabriela Yareliz A few days ago, Audrey Leighton was talking about the book she was reading called Motherhood. It’s a book called “a masterpiece on the moral conundrum involved in the decision to create new life” (Vulture and London Review of Books). I haven’t started reading it, but I am sure I will shareContinue reading “Parenthood”

When the Simple Life Gets Complicated

By: Gabriela Yareliz Today, I thought we would dive into a No Doubt song few of us understood fully when we were young, but it’s timeless: “Simple Kind of Life.” This song is about expectation, and I truly believe women in or close to their 30s who are unmarried and don’t have children feel itContinue reading “When the Simple Life Gets Complicated”

Weaponizing Race

By: Gabriela Yareliz This is probably not a spiel you are used to, so hear me out: Today, I witnessed a disturbing thing on a playground. Let me set up the scene: It was a new playground, with a very cool and unique swing. There was only one of these swings, and two sisters wereContinue reading “Weaponizing Race”

The Ex Factor

By: Gabriela Yareliz We are entering a new age— one where many of my friends, who have never been married, are dating men who have been married and have children. I feel like back in the day, that wasn’t something most young women in their mid-to-late twenties and early thirties did. That said, most ofContinue reading “The Ex Factor”

The Lottery of Love?

By: Gabriela Yareliz Allow me to build my thesis: There are things that are very important to people when they are looking for a partner. We’ll call them the “nonnegotiable.” Weirdly, some can be amended by a persons choice to change or change of opinion; others are what they are. For example, I know people whoContinue reading “The Lottery of Love?”


By: Gabriela Yareliz Sometimes, we discourage people even though we mean well. Often, we can’t see when people are really unhappy because all we see is what we want for them. We keep pushing them out of love, not out of malice, because we think we know what is best. I heard Wilson Wilson Jr. tell Tim Taylor a quote: “You don’tContinue reading “Hero”