
By: Gabriela Yareliz I was doing a mini-course this week on the Commune platform by Koya Webb. She talks a lot about freedom, healing and she just seems so sweet and full of good energy. She said something during the course that I loved, which is the fact that we are each “creators not victims.”Continue reading “Creators”

Tag: Day #2

By: Gabriela Yareliz Today’s quote of the day, for the Three Days, Three Quotes tag: “Dream your dreams, like what you like, be 100% truly, deeply, strangely, passionately you, because you are enough.” I saw this quote on Lewis Howes’ page. We get measured by so many factors, these days. I hope we can findContinue reading “Tag: Day #2”

Powerful Address to Athens

By: Gabriela Yareliz This is one of my favorite speeches and discourses ever given. It was Paul’s address to the men of Athens. It is an address to men of education, skepticism, spirituality and philosophy everywhere. It is poetic, deep, powerful and most of all, truthful. Paul Addressing the Areopagus (Acts 17:22-31) 22 Then PaulContinue reading “Powerful Address to Athens”