A Letter to Louisiana

By: Gabriela Yareliz The waters will recede and return home. You’ll be home, too. The sunshine will peek out and warm the flaky paint skin on the old buildings. It will soak up the heavy rains like a mother cleaning up a wound. Its hot rays a bright Band-Aid. You’ll sit on your porch againContinue reading “A Letter to Louisiana”

Friday Glee: August 12, 2016

[Image from The Daily Mail] By: Gabriela Yareliz The heat advisory is on. It’s hot, muggy and rain + thunder are looming over our entire weekend, in NYC. Back-to-school vibes are everywhere. The week has me wiped out. My brain is so dead. This week, I managed to lose a bra. Well, I guess theContinue reading “Friday Glee: August 12, 2016”

Warm New Orleans Afternooon

By: Gabriela Yareliz Last week was mild in New York City. It was filled with overcast skies and warm rain. A classic man in a Stetson hat offered me his umbrella on one of the rainy days. He said he couldn’t stand to watch my beautiful hair get wet. It was a fresh blow dryContinue reading “Warm New Orleans Afternooon”

An Ode to Summer

By: Gabriela Yareliz SUMMER IN THE CITY [Inspired by: New York City] Despite my autumn fever, yesterday’s 68-degree morning, and leaving the house with a jacket today, it is still officially a tourist-crowded-sidewalk NYC summer. People’s addiction to ice cream does not seem to be waning. I am slightly traumatized from last winter, and IContinue reading “An Ode to Summer”

Summer Cleaning and Mental Spillover

By: Gabriela Yareliz Summertime cleaning is here. Euro fashion bloggers are out in Ibiza and Napoli tanning. Unconsciously, the rest of us are wondering how we can get to Ibiza in the first place, someday. I know, it’s about being happy with our own unique blessings and realities. We believe this, but at the sameContinue reading “Summer Cleaning and Mental Spillover”

Hurricane Sandy hits and the days after

By: Gabriela Yareliz Hello beautiful friends! My story begins with empty rooms and a lobby filled with students clutching their candles and flashlights. This is how we arrive to the scene: It has been such a long while. Well– not really; but kind of. It has been a crazy week to say the least. AfterContinue reading “Hurricane Sandy hits and the days after”

School: and we are back-

By: Gabriela Yareliz Hello, School began with sweltering heat. Everyone’s hair was moist and stringy and we all stood in close proximity on the bus trapped in a mixture of everyone’s distress and frustration with the weather. Lines at the bookstore reached the back, and many of us paid several visits to exchange editions whereContinue reading “School: and we are back-“