My guys

  By: Gabriela Yareliz I dedicate this post to some of the best friends anyone could ask for– I miss you guys. Some of the most dedicated, hardworking, educated, respectful, funny and awesome guys you will ever meet–and they can play some good cricket! 🙂 I can’t wait to see some of them come December/January! YES! “Some people walkContinue reading “My guys”

UF cricket team steps it up – The Independent Florida Alligator: Campus

UF cricket team steps it up – The Independent Florida Alligator: Campus. Yay! They did the article! So exciting! 🙂 READ IT 🙂 and donations to the team are welcome… it needs that pitch. It is a good day! 🙂

South East Champions–Go Gators!

By: Gabriela Yareliz Congratulations Gator Cricket Club!!!! South East Champions, second year in a row. 🙂 I had to post, because I am the team’s #1 fan. This was the team last year. It has changed quite a bit, but hey, a team reflects all of its players, present or absent; the dedication, influence and whatContinue reading “South East Champions–Go Gators!”

T20 Cricket: Top teams so far

By: Gabriela Yareliz So far in the running, the best teams in the groups are: Group A: INDIA Group B: AUSTRALIA Group C: SOUTH AFRICA Group D: PAKISTAN All of them have 4 points and have won each game they have played. I am so slow– today I found out about the Shashi Tharoor cricketContinue reading “T20 Cricket: Top teams so far”

T20: Cricket World Cup! (!x infinity)

By: Gabriela Yareliz I had to talk about this… click on the article here posted on Yahoo! about cricket. I miss you Gator Cricket Club! They are always #1 😉 Anyway… somehow between all this reading, I need to catch a match 🙂 I vote India. EDIT: schedule and results here. Sept 18- Oct. 7


By: Gabriela Yareliz Olympics are gone and out. I love the Olympics. It isn’t even about the athletes competing and doing their amazing things specifically; what gets me the most is how it is so patriotic. I am a sucker for patriotism and doing things to honor your flag and country. I like the ideaContinue reading “Athletic”