American Wealth: Cowboys & Tupperware

By: Gabriela Yareliz The United States is known for its entrepreneurial spirit. This idea of taking risks to build or expand something, even if the outcome is uncertain. Name a country that has more group or multi-level marketing businesses than the U.S. of A. By this, I mean companies like Mary Kay, Avon (both sellContinue reading “American Wealth: Cowboys & Tupperware”

The Squad is All Here

By: Gabriela Yareliz If you speak Spanish, you have probably held an Hola! in your hands. It is filled with fun features, royal news, and now, influencer tracking. Spain has an incredible network of influencers. Some countries have one influencer that sort of stands out and represents them. The Netherlands has Negin Mirsalehi (of GisouContinue reading “The Squad is All Here”

Deli Dreams (Part I)

Welcome to 2022. To start the new year, I thought we would start with some hopes and dreams. Some of the coolest people in NYC are deli owners and employees. They see it all. (And what is more iconic than a NYC deli and the little black bag they give you for your snacks?) IContinue reading “Deli Dreams (Part I)”

Come With Me to the NYC Post Office

By: Gabriela Yareliz New York City post offices are their own animal. They are fortresses of bullet-proof glass, disgruntled employees and long lines. I am not kidding when I tell you that in law school we would read the Yelp reviews for nearby post offices where we had bad experiences and laugh so hard. ItContinue reading “Come With Me to the NYC Post Office”

The Designer: Nancy Gonzalez

By: Gabriela Yareliz Her python bags go for thousands. You may remember that memorable closet scene in The Devil Wears Prada when her name is mentioned as Andy is handed a teal bag. Colombian-born designer Nancy Gonzalez has infiltrated the American and global handbag fashion world to the point of making her iconic. Her firstContinue reading “The Designer: Nancy Gonzalez”


By: Gabriela Yareliz Keep the sueñito (little dream) alive. There has been a lot of backlash regarding In The Heights, with people mad at Lin-Manuel Miranda for the alleged “colorism” in the film, as many afro-latinos didn’t feel represented by the film. On the contrary, I want to point out that here we had aContinue reading “Sueñito”

Filling the Gap

By: Gabriela Yareliz I read something that I loved (and struck a chord with me) in Prayer in the Night, by Tish Harrison Warren. It was this idea that sometimes, we carry such deep burdens. There are times in life when we are drained to the core and can barely look up. Warren makes theContinue reading “Filling the Gap”

2020 People

By: Gabriela Yareliz The other night, I was at the window searching for that Christmas star situation. Hand gripping the window sill that was probably painted over for the hundredth time in 1992, twisting my neck to see if I could catch a glimpse of anything behind the thick ceiling of gray clouds that reflectContinue reading “2020 People”

The Convenience of Religion

By: Gabriela Yareliz I grew up in the churches where you could find half the church in a hospital room holding a prayer vigil, as someone held the sick person’s hand, while praying. It didn’t matter who walked by. The prayer was loud. Hell, we prayed for the nurses, doctors and whomever was sharing theContinue reading “The Convenience of Religion”


By: Gabriela Yareliz I was walking in downtown Brooklyn, and a young black man was propelling his skateboard forward, at full speed, on the street. He was going at least three times faster than the cars around him. I had never seen anything like it, and the sound was roaring. He zoomed past me andContinue reading “Community”