Genocide Games

By: Gabriela Yareliz The Beijing 2022 Olympics begin in February. World governments have taken weak stances on China, a power that has no problem killing its own people, en masse. As we play around with diplomatic incompetence, there is a continual genocide being perpetrated against religious minorities, which includes the Uyghurs “who are a TurkicContinue reading “Genocide Games”

The Quiet Fall

[Image from Aljazeera] By: Gabriela Yareliz Aung San Suu Kyi, anyone? The secular human rights hero, who is a hero no more. Famous for her long house arrest, for giving up everything to bring democracy to Burma, nonviolence, and a Nobel Peace Prize. They made a touching movie out of her life, for crying outContinue reading “The Quiet Fall”

Truth Commission

By: Gabriela Yareliz In my study of human rights, few things fascinated me as much as truth commissions, also known as reconciliation commissions. They are known as commissions (and essentially tribunals) that look at and investigate wrongdoing by governments and individual actors in situations like civil wars, genocide and mass atrocities. To be honest, oftenContinue reading “Truth Commission”

Women’s Month: Berta Cáceres

By: Gabriela Yareliz Today, we mourn the assassination of a great indigenous rights and environmental rights champion and activist, Berta Cáceres. She is known for her tireless work to bring awareness to important issues. She was co-founder of the National Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations in Honduras and the 2015 winner of the GoldmanContinue reading “Women’s Month: Berta Cáceres”

Waiting for Fahd

“I grew up in Guantanamo, and now that you’ve heard my story, you cannot turn away.” I had the privilege of being with the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) team as it talked about and brainstormed ideas for its media efforts with Fahd’s story (over the summer, at the Radical Lawyering conference). I met the attorneys who have traveled back andContinue reading “Waiting for Fahd”


By: Gabriela Yareliz Today, we are celebrating Human Rights Day. It’s a cause worth fighting for. I know Humanitarian Day is August 19, but I want to honor humanitarians and missionaries on this day, too. They are, day-by-day, fighting for people’s basic needs all over the world; they spread hope, joy and love. There is still much toContinue reading “HUMAN RIGHTS DAY, DECEMBER 10”

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month

By: Gabriela Yareliz This is something I am very passionate about, and I want to share that January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Please check out the links below, which have fact sheets. More importantly, read some survivor stories. Let us raise awareness and join together in prayer for those who are victims of modernContinue reading “January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month”

Happy 4th of July

Happy Birthday Great Nation. We have come a long way. We began as a nation made up of immigrants. People here found refuge, freedom and hope for a better future. We had dark moments. If one looks back it was not too far back that we had minorities disenfranchised. It wasn’t even a hundred yearsContinue reading “Happy 4th of July”