American Wealth: Cowboys & Tupperware

By: Gabriela Yareliz The United States is known for its entrepreneurial spirit. This idea of taking risks to build or expand something, even if the outcome is uncertain. Name a country that has more group or multi-level marketing businesses than the U.S. of A. By this, I mean companies like Mary Kay, Avon (both sellContinue reading “American Wealth: Cowboys & Tupperware”

American Wealth: Summers

By: Gabriela Yareliz As I write this, I am laughing because my air conditioner is failing. (Great timing, AC, great timing). Just as I was going to speak about the aspects of what makes an American summer. Here are some things I have learned from other people and life experience– one is that there areContinue reading “American Wealth: Summers”

American Wealth: Education

By: Gabriela Yareliz I remember walking down the halls at school, that particular smell of school filling the air. The walls that are half concrete brick, covered in that glossy white paint. The lockers. Learning about sewing machines in Home Economics and eating lunch on the bleachers outside. The ever-changing bulletin boards. The noisy cafeteriaContinue reading “American Wealth: Education”

American Wealth

By: Gabriela Yareliz “I arrived with $20 I borrowed. I was clutching it in my hand. I didn’t even put it in my pocket because I didn’t want anyone to steal it,” he told me. I leaned against the elevator door frame while listening to his story about how he arrived to the United StatesContinue reading “American Wealth”

Our Internal Narrative

By: Gabriela Yareliz It’s a dark and rainy spring morning as I write this. It is so cool outside, which is refreshing after having woken up with allergies and swollen eyelids. (My allergies are killing me lately). I have my basil Beauty Pie candle going, and my pretty bunch of chamomile flowers on my entryContinue reading “Our Internal Narrative”

(Friend) Speech

By: Gabriela Yareliz We will get extra personal today. Uncensored speech. I have been thinking about this a lot lately in regard to friendship. Do we as adults need more friendships? Is there some sort of age cap? Modern friendships are weird. We have a world that wants to opinion check everyone. If you don’tContinue reading “(Friend) Speech”

Essential Strangers

By: Gabriela Yareliz Thoughts in the AM: There is a barista whose efficiency and chipper attitude brought sunshine to our days in the summer of 2020 (those were dark days, y’all. People had bubble wrapped their windows and duct taped their doors shut). It’s funny because at first, I thought this barista was a jerk,Continue reading “Essential Strangers”

Studio Update 19

By: Gabriela Yareliz My Fitbit thinks I am dead. I haven’t charged it since we started this shelter in place. I log in my daily exercise, into the app, but I haven’t charged it because let’s face it, I am not taking a lot of steps. It’s me going from my desk to refill myContinue reading “Studio Update 19”

Conversations On Being A Woman

By: Gabriela Yareliz Lately, women who inspire me have opened up to start conversations on topics we women have shied away from, typically. I can’t say enough how empowering and interesting it has been to listen and join these conversations on PMS, endometriosis, menstruation, relationships, and health. And I mean deep conversations, not the typicalContinue reading “Conversations On Being A Woman”

Friday Glee: April 7, 2017

By: Gabriela Yareliz Some words I collected throughout the week: “If something inside of you is real, we will probably find it interesting, and it will probably be universal. So you must risk placing real emotion at the center of your work. Write straight into the emotional center of things. Write toward vulnerability. Risk beingContinue reading “Friday Glee: April 7, 2017”