The Wellness Goals

By: Gabriela Yareliz I am back with my wellness goals list. I compiled this list from the Dr. Amen podcast with Melissa Wood Tepperberg (Move With Heart) and from the most recent solo episode from The Skinny Confidential Him/Her Podcast titled Solo Show – How To Transform Your Life By Making Small Changes With MassiveContinue reading “The Wellness Goals”

Our Internal Narrative

By: Gabriela Yareliz It’s a dark and rainy spring morning as I write this. It is so cool outside, which is refreshing after having woken up with allergies and swollen eyelids. (My allergies are killing me lately). I have my basil Beauty Pie candle going, and my pretty bunch of chamomile flowers on my entryContinue reading “Our Internal Narrative”

How to Have a Charmed Spring

By: Gabriela Yareliz I loved Gigi Chomiak‘s 100 Ways to Romance Life email newsletter (sent February 11). It got my mind wandering and thinking about the things that I feel make (or could make) spring magical. Spring is my favorite season, so I figured it would be fun to make a little list of howContinue reading “How to Have a Charmed Spring”